Welcome to


A Hybrid Movement Studio by J Glow Embodiment

This is a brave space where you can show up exactly as you are, move through whatever you are going through, and find a safe space to land.

No matter what time zone, or where you are in the world, I love to create portals of time/space that are intentional, somatic-centered, and solely focused on you.

These are containers built to encourage you to breathe mindfully, move bravely, connect deeply, and explore your creative, emotional, erotic, and sensual energy.

A space to play again. A space to explore. A space to connect with all the sensations and inklings and whispers of desire that inform the way you want to show up for yourself.

This is a trauma-informed space where you are celebrated for your integrative wholeness. Fancy words for everything that YOU ARE—even the heavier, darker, murkier stuff that has been shunned away or is hard to explain, express, love on, or even put words to at times.

I invite you to dance, shake, wiggle, scream, writhe, undulate, scrape, giggle, cry, pout or shout it out with me. Let’s let our body’s innate and exquisite wisdom do the talking.

Janet is so fully herself that she gives everyone else permission to do the same. The choices she offers, in terms of chatting in thoughts or coming off mute and camera on or off for privacy, creates a space where safety and comfort exists in a way that it also feels safe to take small risks.
— S.



    [VIRTUAL CLASS] 60 min

    This class is designed to connect and ground you to the flow of your breath and gentle movement with the support of the natural elements (Earth, Wind, Water, Fire) by moving freely with guided directional cues to tap into your heart space with intentionality.

    Great for clarity and aligning body/mind/heart/spirit gently and restoratively.

    Varying styles of recorded music are used to inspire authentic movement, with a different curated playlist each week.

    All gendered language is used during instruction. No previous dance experience is necessary.

    Come ground, connect, release, and refill in a heart-centered, sacred, and brave space.

    All genders welcome.

    Age 16+


    [VIRTUAL CLASS] 60 min

    Immerse your mind and body to explore the pleasures of your feminine geniuses and unleash your wild rebel heart. This 60-minute virtual class is inspired by a foundational S Factor Fluid Feminine Movement class, designed to build a brave container for slowing down, allowing sensations and emotional states to flow, and transmuting shame through erotic energy.

    You are invited to explore the language of sensuality by contracting and expanding into curves and circles of movement and slowing down to luxuriate in them. This encourages a brain-immersed state where erotic energy is centered on awakening your creative life force, pleasure, and vitality. It is an intentionally brave space created to witness and celebrate each other in full expression in a shame-free environment.

    Each week, the class is guided by a new curated playlist designed to explore different emotional icons and energies in your body.

    Beginner-friendly, with no previous dance experience necessary.

    Class is femme-identifying centered + focused, and femme-identifying language is used during class. Age 18+


    [VIRTUAL CLASS] 60 min

    A SENSUAL FEMME FLOW CLASS BUT WITH HEELS! Let’s strap on those babies and practice moving, shaking, wiggling, rolling, and writhing in those heels! A choreography-free, guided moving meditation class to help develop YOUR sensual and erotic movement style.

    Allow Bambi some spaciousness and time to develop the right leg muscles to stomp around and slay with icy pride.

    An intentionally brave space is created to witness and celebrate each other in full sensual and erotic expression.

    Wear whatever lights up your body, feels good on your skin, or sparks more curiosity.

    Class is femme-identifying centered + focused, and femme-identifying language is used during class. Age 18+

    Recommended Heels: Hella Heels, Pleaser, Burju, or Ellie brand platform pole shoes with a heel height of 6”, 7” or 8”

Dance from the Heart is a delightful process: learning to be present using dance, movement, music, and meditation. I highly recommend it for people interested in sharing, community, and as a way to help alleviate stress and anxiety.
— Analise Taylor
This [series] was so accessible, and so needed during COVID. I loved having a space to show up and move my body without being told to *push* my body. Having these 90 minutes every week to connect to a specific thing I wanted to manifest, and then move with it was invaluable—I started painting more and finally launched a profile for people to commission art from me. I got really clear on what it was I wanted to offer people in my own movement practice, and to whom I wanted to offer. I battle daily with ruts, and having this to help me move through them in a safe space helped me prioritize taking care of myself more, and inspired habits that help keep me grounded in the pursuit of my goals and desires.
— M.
The Body Love Portal [Series] Workshop was my first introduction to dance as embodied movement and meditation, and it totally exceeded expectations. Right off the bat, Janet makes you feel comfortable, accepted, and supported. It’s amazing that whatever you’re dealing with (or not dealing with) when you show up will get worked out through your body in the session. I’ve cried, I’ve screamed, and I’ve joyously jumped up and down. Janet’s excellent music selections and masterful verbal cues really help you tap into the present moment as well as become exceptionally aware of your body and spirit. You can tell she has a true love and passion for this work. I’m hooked.
— P.P.
I’ve had the opportunity to work with Janet in both Dance From the Heart and Sensual Movement classes, and I’m so grateful for all I’ve discovered about my capacity for pleasure and expression with my body. Janet is a gifted teacher! They hold space with genuine joy and appreciation for all you bring to your time together. She invites and guides with gentleness, and their embodiment practices validate and affirm. I can’t wait to keep learning from and with Janet.
— Jessica P. poet and public school educator (she/her)