I’m a Dance Embodiment & Moving Meditation Guide.

In a world where we’re constantly told how to feel, act, and be,

I remind you of your beauty and power, by reflecting and witnessing your presence.

I build sacred containers for you to show up exactly as you are, in your ever-changing awe.

I create blocks of time for you to play and explore with spaciousness, curiosity, and wonder.

I guide you to come home to your body and remember who you are.

Welcome on this adventure of healing, self-discovery, and rewilding through the power of dance and somatic movement.


Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Ever take a pause just to marvel at it? How it moves, shakes, wiggles, cries, expresses, exemplifies, models, and experiences life and death, pain and rebirth, healing, joy, pleasure, and bliss.

Bodies are miraculous ain’t they? We are designed to dance, stretch and squirm. To contract and expand. To protect, and to love.

There is so much against us in the everyday world — Objectification, commodification, striping of resources, and boundary-ing against projectile physical, emotional, psychic, mental, and intellectual warfare.

We only have one body in this lifetime, so why not learn to take care of it? To love on it, to accept and nourish, enjoy, feel into, and experience fully in it.

Let us celebrate our bodies, nourish them, move and grow with them, and learn to tap into the depths of our ancestral wisdom, resiliency, rest, and integration.

I wish for a world where all bodies are treated equally, with respect, high regard, and nourishing tenderness and care.

I believe everyone should express their power and right to move the way they wish to move and be free the way they wish to be.

I build brave containers through mindful intention and trauma-informed practice and use rituals to open up spaces for healing and practicing the freedom of expression through movement.

I am obsessed with body care and learning all the different ways/modalities/teachings/tools that can help one to remember their truth, to tell their stories, to practice using their body voice, to share their love, and to feel nourished, juicy, and lit the fck up from the inside out.

Looking for a space to show up and be seen exactly as you are? Welcome. Let’s find some stillness together, so we can connect inward, and move into our greatest sense of selves with the highest, greatest good. Let’s Dance!

Past Classes & Workshops

No matter what life comes your way, you can always #KeepDancing
— Jglowgirl